TOMAGWA's army of volunteers are critical to the success of TOMAGWA's mission. Clinical, administrative, and students commit thousands of hours each year to the service of our community. Interesed in joining the team? Create an account here and see the current opportunities. Check back regulary as our volunteer site is updated daily. Have a special volunteer project you'd like to propose? Contact us at admin@tomagwa.org and we'd be happy to discuss.

Licensed healthcare professionals are able to join in and be the hands and feet of Jesus, directly providing care to patients. Flexible schedules are available for medical, dental, vision, pharmacy, and lab services.

From helping with filing and tracking inventory to volunteering at fundraising and outreach events, there is something for the whole family to get involved in and support community members in need.

TOMAGWA has over a dozen academic partners who trust us with quality, hands on educational experiences for budding professionals. Students and instructors can contact us here.